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Re-skinning guide

If you want to change some or all of the graphics in the kit, it is very easy to do so. The kit makes extensive use of fundamental building blocks in Unity like scenes and prefabs, so if you are familiar with them the process will mainly be a matter of replacing their sprites accordingly.

How to customize the game screens?

All the screens in the game are Unity scenes located in the Scenes folder that use Unity's built-in UI system.

These are all the screens in the game:

  • HomeScene: The home screen.
  • LevelScene: The level map screen.
  • GameScene: The game screen.

How to customize the game's popups?

All the popups in the game are prefabs located in the Resources/Popups folder that are dynamically spawned via script as appropriate during the game and have an associated independent script that contains their specific logic. In order to modify them, you can double-click over them to enter the prefab editing mode in Unity and apply your custom changes to them.

These are all the popups in the game:

  • AlertPopup: generic alert dialog used to show information or errors.
  • BoosterAwardPopup: shown when the game ends and the player has additional moves or time left.
  • BuyBoostersPopup: in-game booster shop.
  • BuyCoinsPopup: coins shop.
  • BuyLivesPopup: lives shop.
  • ExitGamePopup: dialog that allows the player to exit a game.
  • InGameSettingsPopup: in-game pause popup that allows the player to change the audio settings and exit the game.
  • LevelGoalsPopup: shown right before a game begins in order to let the player know what are the goals of the level.
  • LoadingPopup: generic loading popup.
  • LosePopup: shown when the player loses a game.
  • NoMovesOrTimePopup: shown when a game is finished because the player has no moves or time left.
  • RegenLevelPopup: loading popup shown while a level is regenerating (it happens when there are no more possible moves).
  • SettingsPopup: the settings popup located in the home scene.
  • StartGamePopup: shown when a player clicks on a level button in the level scene.
  • WinPopup: shown when the player wins a game.

How to customize the candies?

You can find all the candy prefabs used in the game (and their associated particle prefabs) in the Prefabs folder. Also, please make sure that:

  • The size of the new sprites is the same as the original ones.
  • The Pixels Per Unit setting of the new sprites is set to the same value as the original ones.

How to customize the level goals?

You might have noticed that re-skinning the in-game candies does not automatically reflect on the level goals. This is intentional; the goals use different sprites because some games prefer to use a slightly different representation of the candies for the goals UI. In order to re-skin the level goals, you can replace the sprites located in the Resources/Game folder of the project. You can find the relevant source code in the GoalUiElement script.