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How can I add a background music?

We use a background music in the demo but we are not allowed to redistribute it, so you need to do it manually yourself. You can find the download link in the AudioCredits.pdf file located inside the Sounds folder. Once you have downloaded the music and imported it into your project (remember to set its Load Type as Streaming, which is the recommended setting for background music), you just need to drag it into the Audio Source component of the BackgroundMusic prefab located in the Prefabs/Sounds folder.

How can I add a new level to the map?

The level map contains a scrollable list of buttons that are used to enter the levels (in the scene's hierarchy, you can find the list in CanvasLevelMap/ScrollView/Content/LevelMap. These buttons are instances of the LevelMapButton prefab, which has a Num Level property that indicates the level number:

You will need to have created the corresponding level with that number via the level editor.

How can I customize the game's popups?

All the popups in the game are prefabs located in the Resources/Popups folder that are dynamically spawned via script as appropriate during the game and have an associated independent script that contains their specific logic. In order to modify them, you can drag them into the Canvas object of a scene (as a child) and apply your custom changes to them as you normally do with prefabs in Unity.

These are all the popups in the game:

  • AlertPopup: generic alert dialog used to show information or errors.
  • BuyCoinsPopup: coins shop.
  • BuyLivesPopup: lives shop.
  • BuyPowerupsPopup: in-game power-ups shop.
  • ConfirmationPopup: generic confirmation dialog used to confirm important player actions.
  • EndGameAwardPopup: shown when the game is finished with moves still left and the player receives free boosters.
  • LevelGoalsPopup: shown right before a game begins in order to let the player know what are the goals of the level.
  • LoadingPopup: generic loading popup.
  • LosePopup: shown when the player loses a game.
  • OutOfMovesPopup: shown when a game is finished because the player has no moves left.
  • PausePopup: in-game pause popup that allows the player to change the audio settings and restart or exit the game.
  • SettingsPopup: the settings popup located in the home scene.
  • StartGamePopup: shown when a player clicks on a level button in the level scene.
  • WinPopup: shown when the player wins a game.

How can I make the tiles falling from the sky to be only visible inside the level bounds?

You can do it by using sprite masks in the background tiles. In order to do so, follow these steps:

  • Add a SpriteMask component to the LightBackgroundTile and DarkBackgroundTile prefabs located in the Prefabs/BackgroundTiles folder (make sure to also set the Sprite field in the SpriteMask component to Light and Dark respectively).
  • For every tile prefab in the game located in the Prefabs folder for which you want to apply the masking (e.g., Tiles, Blockers, Collectibles, etc.) , set the 'Mask Interaction' field in the Sprite Renderer component to 'Visible Inside Mask'.